Drinking the Microsoft Kool-Aid

It is safe to say that I have drank the Microsoft Kool-Aid and I love it. It started with Windows 8.  The OS initially got unfavorable reviews and I do have to admit it had fairly large learning curve, but ever since Windows 8.1 Update 1 it has become much...

Ditching iPhone

For the longest time I believed iPhone was the greatest smart phone on the market and I thought I would never change, but in the past few months I became very frustrated with many aspects of the iPhone and realized that the rest of the smart phone market had surpassed Apple with...

Surface Pro 3: The Missing Link Between Productivity and Play

It only takes a flight on a commercial airline to understand Microsoft’s strategy. Look at the people around you, especially now that WiFi is available on so many flights, and you see three types of people: People with a phone in their hand playing a simple game or reading email, people with...