When Your Only Competition is the Difficulty of Change

Change is extremely hard and very uncomfortable. Years ago, I worked as a Substance Abuse Therapist and to develop our treatment plans for clients we used the Stages of Change model. This model helped us determine what phase of change our clients were in. This helped give us needed insight into how to proceed with each individual.

Some had never thought of changing. Even though they were getting numerous negative repercussions (like time in jail and prison, the loss of parental rights and housing, etc) not changing, the thought and desire to stop using substances was not present. To others it was. Some had even attempted changing in the past. Some had even changed only to relapse later.
The problem is that change is hard. We know that to be true in our own lives. Try developing a work out plan and sticking to it. Or eating the way you know is best. It is easier to eat the way you always have. It is harder to go a different way, even if that way produces positive and wanted results or even saves your life.
As in individuals, in business the same can be true. Change is difficult. My brother, our company’s TeamWorkAnyWhere Director, will ask people he is demoing Microsoft Lync for how they review a document together. They might say, “oh we email it to each other then get on GoToMeeting.” Within seconds my brother, using Microsoft Lync, can show them a better, seamless and cost effective way to go about reviewing a document. It is a better way. Hands down. There is no competition. And the mouths that have instantly dropped across the room, upon being shown, reveal that. Yet, what’s the hesitancy? It is an obviously better platform. The function is there and beyond. AND the price is right. The problem is change is difficult. It is easier to do what you have been doing. And for this reason many are living lives they wish they weren’t. Or renewing hardware they wish they weren’t. Or having the same conversation after years and years and wish they weren’t.
As was the case with my clients, gauging where a company’s ability to change lands on the spectrum can help to produce the desired result for both you and the company, with the least amount of resistance and discouragement. It can encourage you in the selling process. If a company has never thought of changing, you may be in this road with them for years until they can even begin to think about swallowing your product.
Or look at a company who has attempted to change in the past. What were the barriers that caused them to relapse and go back to their old method? Was there a lack of training? Was the CEO not on board? If you can address these barriers and put these areas at ease you may be able to make a worthwhile sale.
The company who is making steps to change and asking you for proposals, aren’t they near the brink of changing? They are in the preparation and action stages of the Stages of the Change model.
In any new software or system or whatever you are trying to sell, helping people and companies during their process of change will only help you reach your desired goals. Being able to access a company in this Stages of Change model and hold their hand through the areas needed, will help you not become ineffective nor discouraged. Rather it can help give you endurance, patience and success.
Knowing you have a product or service that is what a company needs and the only thing that stands in their way is the ability to change can help bring motivation and innovation to you. Bring creative tools to your selling process and meet companies where they are at! Change may be hard but it is possible.

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